Recharter for 2023

Hello Troop 315,
It is time for Recharter. We will be submitting our recharter no later that Nov 15 2022, so we can submit our recharter in a timely manner please complete this form ASAP. Anyone who has not paid and completed all steps prior to the above date will not be rechartered with the troop and we will have to re-register you in 2023. Thank you.

Mark Meyer -Troop Committee Chair

——> Recharter Form

Youth National BSA Dues$75
Council Program Fees (New)$48
Scouts Life$15
Adult National BSA Dues$45

Please Note that there are no Troop Dues this year. It was determined that we do not need to collect due this year and we are attempting to reduce the impact of the new Council Program Fee.

Adult Leaders:
YPT- If your training expires before Jan 1 2024 you will be required to complete YPT again. All adults must submit a current copy of your YPT with your dues.
VIRTUS – All scout leaders MUST insure their VIRTUS training is not expired. More information to follow.
